I've emphasised the need for meticulous planning already, but the other half of this is meticulous records keeping so as to compare the plan with reality. Perhaps it is a background in the sciences that gives me a longing for data.
Kyle and I know that things will not always go to plan. We are not naive. Good planning, however, will be the key to our success. Good records will let us know concretely when our plans are going awry, and by how much.
Two areas in which planning and records are important are Time and Money. Time can be both planned for and tracked through the Gantt charts I have mentioned previously. Whilst the program used to do that has financial functionality attached I am not very familiar with it. It also occurs to me that the way in which we record events will be different to purchases - sometimes these cross over, but as we are doing the majority of the labor ourselves events are essentially 'free'.
For the sake of simplicity I have begun a spreadsheet on GoogleDrive that is attached to the below form. Kyle or I can enter the details of any purchases, and I can build automated functionality into the other sheets that categorise our purchases into more useful breakdowns.
It is likely the form will become more complicated at some later stage...